Nexhype present.
全毛線織毯:130 cm x 180cm
雷射復製畫:A3 29x42cm
BLACKZAO1986 出生, 2002年開始接觸街頭塗鴉,活躍於臺中,熱愛音樂及街頭文化。2006年與同伴創立「六號病毒街頭藝術創作團體」,擅長整合塗鴉插畫與平面設計。創作初期以美式黑暗硬派畫風為主線,兼容抽象的音樂意象,將其轉化成畫面;近年更於作品中加入自然及生命元素,盼以視覺藝術探索內在精神世界。塗鴉旅行足跡遍及紐約、新疆、日本、曼谷與韓國等地,創作風格愈趨細膩強烈,跨足大型裝置藝術,也接觸多樣的視覺藝術表現。如音樂專輯的視覺設計,其精緻的畫工和豐沛的創意,曾入圍金曲獎最佳裝幀設計及全美獨立音樂獎最佳專輯包裝設計的殊榮,也參與許多國際品牌的合作案如adidas,bmw,Balenciaga,daks london ,johnnie walker等等。
BLACKZAO has been devoting himself in graffiti world for over a decade in Taichung, Taiwan. He loves music and street culture since he was young. Therefore, in 2006, he has cooperated with his team mates to establish “ Virus No.6 ”. At the early stage, his art works were focused on dark hardcore style that left his work with impression of wild and eccentric. He is good at trans- forming his work from the combination of illustration and music into visualized masterpieces. Recently, he tries to assimilate nature and life factors into his work and makes an effort on observing diversity of world that unleashes his feeling to generate his art work. He is known for his expertise in integrating graffiti illustration and graphic design. Furthermore, he has cooperated with varieties of projects of music festivals, activities and live bands
#nexhype #blackzao
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